More productivity instead of downtime and supply gaps

Spare Parts For Your Schunk Solutions

Railway Aftermarket spare parts for railway. Reliable supply of carbon brushes, brush holders and other parts. Spare Parts for Railway in Original Equipment Quality. From maintenance to repair, retrofitting and replacement of wear parts – our railway aftermarket department offers a variety of products, components and services for your Schunk solutions. At Schunk, quality and partnership don't stop with OEM equipment. Instead, we are always working to be your competent contact partner throughout the entire service life of the products you purchase from us, no matter what you need to get the most out of your Schunk systems - wether Railway Pantographs or 3rd Rail Current Collectors.

 High-speed train in depot


High quality components for the railway aftermarket


  • Carbon brushes and brush holders for optimal current transmission
  • Carbon brushes for grounding contacts and reliable safety
  • Also available, for instance, for conductor lines, switching contacts, and contact breakers
  • Perfectly tailored materials that can be customized to individual customer requirements
  • All products offer high quality and an extremely long service life
  • High design and development expertise
Always one step ahead

Maintenance Competence from Schunk


Regular inspections and preventative maintenance are extremely important to prevent damages, drops in performance and total failures. Trust in reliable maintenance expertise from Schunk. Our services, combined with our high-quality aftermarket products like carbon brushes and brush holders, as well as contact shoes and pantographs, deliver excellent operational reliability, secure operations, and long-lasting economic efficiency.

Train is serviced in the depot

Long-lasting carbon brushes and brush holders

Carbon brushes and brush holders from Schunk have been the driving force in electric motors for decades. Our comprehensive expertise can help you move into the future. Even as aftermarket products, our long-lasting carbon brushes and brush holders improve the reliability of your railway fleet. Our carbon brushes stand out for their good electrical and thermal conductivity, and long service life. They ensure optimal current transmission to grounding contacts and traction motors. In addition, we manufacture brush holders, conductor lines and carbon brushes for switching and contact breakers. All components are produced according to proven industry standards – or your individual specifications. Thanks to our customized materials, we can fulfill even the most challenging requirements.

Train is serviced in the depot

Our service strategy pays off

With our service strategy, you can reduce or prevent downtimes and improve the efficiency of your railway vehicles. You save costs for maintenance personnel and spare part storage, tying up less capital and avoiding claims for damage. Low repair costs also amortize quickly thanks to the longer service life of your vehicles. Shorter downtimes also allow for better workforce utilization. In addition, you can optimize product and quality controlling as well, while keeping costs in check. Thanks to flexible delivery times, we can tailor our maintenance specifically to your individual needs and processes. We deliver outstanding quality service in black and white, and are certified in accordance with ISO 9001:2000. Our regular maintenance secures your investment, significantly lowering the risk of hidden defects and improving operational reliability. Work with us to achieve 100 percent availability and 100 percent functional capacity for your fleet.

Brochure: Schunk Transit Systems
Brochure: Schunk Transit Systems

Pioneering solutions for the rail and bus industry

Brochure: Field Manual
Brochure: Field Manual

Wear and damage patterns
of carbon brushes in grounding contacts



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