Pioneering solutions for the rail and bus industry

3rd Rail Current Collector with Fuse Box
Whether metro, subway or monorail vehicle - the sensitive vehicle technology and connecting cables must be protected against electrical faults. This task is performed by fuses that find their place in our standardized, weatherproof fuse box made of approved material suitable for railroad applications. Here they are protected from mechanical stresses such as shocks and vibrations and perform their task reliably. Our fuse boxes can accommodate various fuse sizes and designs - fuses can be changed without the need to disconnect cables. Optional indicator switches provide a visual or electrical indication when a fuse has blown and needs to be replaced. As a separate subsystem, the fuse box can also be mounted to the bogie independently of the current collector - we also offer both as a compact unit. The cable routing will be solved according to the customer's requirements.
You benefit from these advantages:
- Standardized fuse box in weatherproof housing
- Material suitable for railroad use with all necessary approvals, e.g. Fire & Smoke
- Various fuse sizes and designs can be accommodated
- Reliable protection of the fuse against mechanical stress
- Simple fuse replacement
- Optional indicator switch to show when a change is necessary
- Customized cable routing possible